There is an apparent concentration of people in southeastern Poland with the surname Oryszak. This is also the place of origin of our grandmother, Maria Oryszak. We have done some family research for some time now and seen that apart from that corner of Poland, Oryszak is present in different parts worldwide. Some are in contact with us with the same inquiry:
Do these different strands of Oryszaks share a common origin?
23 July 2014: Today we received a document from Auschwitz with information about the death of Katarzyna.
21 July 2014: During our visit in Poland we visited Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II - Birkenau. It was a visit that felt more significant than we first thought since Katarzyna died there.
18 July 2014: We visited an archive in Sanok and found out that there was another daughter of Rozalia and Andrzej whose name was Katarzyna and we also found the name of the youngest son, Stefan. The address where the family lived was Srogow-Dolny 66. We drove along the road and looked for the house but did not find it. If anyone knows more about it or has photos of the house, please send it to us. It would mean a lot to us!
22 May 2014: During our journey in Germany we visited the ITS (International Tracing Services) in Bad Arolsen. There we got all the documents concerning Maria from the archives. A great thank you to the ITS for receiving us and helping us with these documents!
20 May 2014: We visited Ravensbrück in Fürstenberg to see the place where Maria was held for over 2 years before she was rescued by the Red Cross to Sweden. We had a wonderful guide who helped us explain everything that happened in Ravensbrück, a big thank you!